1·The laser, with its beam of strong light, can drill a hole in a diamond, and yet can be so well controlled that it can be used in delicate eye operations.
2·The laser, with its beam of strong light, can drill a hole in a diamond, and yet can be so well controlled that it can be used in delicate eye operations.
3·If that fails, BP will have to try more elaborate measures. It is making preparations to drill another well nearby and thereby relieve pressure on the one that is leaking.
4·Because his 500 acres sits on a lousy patch on the water table, every well he drill has to go deeper than the last one.
5·Crews plan to drill toward the current well and then inject it with heavy fluids and concrete to seal it.
6·You could drill down into each local process and print it out as well, but then you lose the high-level view.
7·Slowly and steadily, though, computers started to fulfill other teaching needs as well, from computer-aided reading instruction to mathematics drill programs to research facilitators.
8·On Tuesday, the company received permits to drill a relief well, which would be started half a mile from the current well site.
9·We have begun to drill another well.
10·The willing human tiger took part in a well-executed drill at the popular zoo so staff knew what to do should a dangerous tiger escape from its enclosure.